Bank Teller

Career Overview

Career Overview

median nationwide salary
jobs in 2020
growth in the next ten years
List item iconTake cash, checks, debit cards, and other payment forms from customers.
List item icon Answer account-related questions for customers.
List item icon Prepare specialized types of funds for customers, including savings bonds, traveler’s checks, and money orders.
List item iconPlace customer orders for checks and bank cards.
List item iconElectronically record every transaction during their shift.
List item icon Count their cash drawer at the end of their shift and reconcile to the beginning balance.

What It Takes

Bank Tellers require a great deal of people skills as they are usually the first person a customer sees for banking business. Bank tellers cash checks, accept deposits, and process account withdrawals so attention to detail is required.

A Mathematical Mind

Because they count and handle large amounts of money, tellers must be good at arithmetic.


Tellers spend their day interacting with bank customers. They must be friendly, helpful, and patient. They must be able to understand customer needs and explain service options to their customers.

Detail oriented

Tellers must be sure not to make errors when dealing with customers’ money.


Being independent is important because you my work alone more than with a team. 

Career Progression

Career Progression

Step 1
high school diploma or equivalent
Step 2
On the job training
Step 3
Become head tellers
Step 4
Other supervisory positions
Step 5
Move to Loan Officer

Key Companies

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Logo for Just 20 minutes from downtown Louisville, Kentucky. Caesars Southern Indiana is as close to Las Vegas as you can get without actually going there.
Just 20 minutes from downtown Louisville, Kentucky. Caesars Southern Indiana is as close to Las Vegas as you can get without actually going there.
Logo for Old National Bank (ONB) is the sixth largest commercial bank headquartered in the Midwest and a top 35 U.S. bank, with more than 250 banking center locations in eight states.
Old National Bank (ONB) is the sixth largest commercial bank headquartered in the Midwest and a top 35 U.S. bank, with more than 250 banking center locations in eight states.
Logo for The National Bank of Indianapolis is the largest, locally owned, national bank in greater Indianapolis. Since opening our doors in 1993, we have grown from 18 employees to over 330 service-minded professionals. Serving Indianapolis is our privilege!
The National Bank of Indianapolis is the largest, locally owned, national bank in greater Indianapolis. Since opening our doors in 1993, we have grown from 18 employees to over 330 service-minded professionals. Serving Indianapolis is our privilege!
Logo for Success Takes Direction: Via Credit Union serves the financially related needs of our diverse membership.
Success Takes Direction: Via Credit Union serves the financially related needs of our diverse membership.
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Customer Service Representative (Teller)
Customer Service Representative (Teller)

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Analyze, plan, and evaluate business expenses and income. As well as using financial data to search for problems and irregularities
Median Salary:$73,560
Desired Skillsdetail-oriented, mathematical, and independent.

Individual Contributor

Become a master of your skillset and help inform company leadership.
Median Salary:$91,729
Desired Skillsproblem solver, strong work ethic, collaborative thinker

Loan Officer

Help people identify and apply for loans, from mortgages to personal loans. They evaluate the candidates’ job history, income, and overall creditworthiness.
Median Salary:$63,270
Desired Skillsquantitative, decision-making, a good judge of character

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